Kirriemuir Pathfinders at Kirrie Connections​
Here at Kirrie Connections, we believe a rich arts and cultural life is essential to living well with dementia. We also believe the best way to make this a reality is to help people affected by dementia work directly with artists, practitioners and innovators. Going beyond the ‘dementia label’, we want to encourage exciting new work of high quality that engages closely with members. The pathway to this is not set in stone: it will need new questions, conversations and collaborations.
Kirriemuir Pathfinders is a two year programme that hopes to achieve just that. The backbone of the programme is regular, monthly online meet-ups. These will be an opportunity for everyone involved to exchange ideas, discuss emerging projects and ask/share advice – all in active dialogue with Meeting Centre life. We have £14K of Seedcorn funding available to help seed ideas that come from these conversations, and will be providing additional project research and evaluation support.
Also participating in the programme will be an earlier generation of Pathfinders from Leominster Meeting Centre in Herefordshire. See here for case studies on the wonderful work they have created with members over the last couple of years. We’re excited to see how this partnership between Leominster and Kirriemuir will develop.
Could I be a Pathfinder?
Are you a creative person from the Kirriemuir area who works with people affected by dementia? Do you want to meet other practitioners pushing the boundaries of arts and wellbeing? Are you looking for new creative opportunities, partnerships and funding? If you’re interested in becoming a Pathfinder and want to find out more, please contact Tim Senior at: heritage@leominstermeetingcentre.co.uk
Online Meet-ups are held on the second Monday of each month 15:30-17:30 through to March 2026